Food Revolution With Ocean Robbins, CEO, Food Revolution Network
Food Revolution With Ocean Robbins, CEO, Food Revolution Network
Today, Dr. Rob Downey speaks with Ocean Robbins, CEO, Food Revolution Network. Ocean reveals the secrets the industrialized food industry doesn’t want people to know, how specific ingredients and methods could be making people sick, and what they can do about it.
[02:28] The comorbidies of our population dependent on obesity
[06:20] How to get better, quicker
[13:20] Helping people with the least- why healthy food has a reputation for the wealthy
[18:17] How to habituate healthy habits
[37:11] Tuning around the stress of the pandemic

Ocean Robbins is co-founder & CEO of the 600,000 member Food Revolution Network. He is author of the bestseller, 31-Day Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great, and Transform Your World. Ocean founded Youth for Environmental Sanity (YES!) at age 16, and directed it for the next 20 years. He has spoken in person to more than 200,000 people, organized online seminars and events reaching more than a million, and facilitated leadership development events for leaders from 65 nations. He has served as adjunct professor for Chapman University, and is a recipient of the national Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service, the Freedom’s Flame Award, the Harmon Wilkinson Award, and many other honors.